The BMW Owners Club of SA (BMWOCSA) is family oriented club with a stable membership of around 100 odd members, with a mix of longstanding and newer members. Membership is open to current or past owners of a BMW vehicle, those with an interest in BMW motorbike ownership and riding in company of like minded people.
We hold monthly meetings, organised Club rides, midweek rides, Sunday morning "trundles" and club events in the summer months and also there are "spur of the moment rides" through the warmer months of the year. There is a Christmas B.B.Q, and various other fun functions throughout the year.
BMW Motorrad National Rally 10-11 April 2024
A very happy crowd.
All memberships expire on the 30th June. You will need to renew before the end of the year in order to maintain continuity through the years. We have kept fees the same for this year. The easiest method to renew is by using a bank transfer. The details are:
BSB: 085443
Account: 508065526
Account Name (if required): THE BMW OWNERS CLUB OF SA
Please note that you only need to complete a membership form if you are new to the club or need to advise us of a change in your details.
For those members with Club Registration please be aware that you will need to be financial until 30 June 2025 to be able get your log books signed for this year.
Further details on these rides and club events as well as the club Calendar and ride meeting points are on the Events page.
Midweek Ride is normally 12 days after the General Meeting.
March 2025
7th - GENERAL MEETING at Atujara Clubrooms 8:00 pm
9th - Classic Run to Birdwood. Depart Civic Park 10:00
16th - SOUTHERN TRUNDLE 8:00 am at Victoria Hotel, O’Halloran Hill
19th - MIDWEEK RIDE 10:15 am
20th - COMMITTEE MEETING 8:00 pm
April 2025
4th - GENERAL MEETING at Atujara Clubrooms 8:00 pm
13th - Mallala Classic. Depart Central 9:00
16th - MIDWEEK RIDE 10:15 am
17th - COMMITTEE MEETING 8:00 pm
27th - SUNDAY TRUNDLE 8:00 am Civic Park
Featured Clips
For previous clips, see the VIDEOS page
BMW CE 02 – What is it? How good is it? Not a small version of the CE 04 scooter. Not even a scooter.
Sponsor: Nurihannam Wines
Read about Nurihannam Wines on our Classifieds page.
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Members who have a vehicle with Club Registration are reminded that you must have:
1. renewed your 2024/25 membership and
2. had any Log Books stamped by a Club Registrar for 2024/25.
Any use of a vehicle on Club Registration from 1 July 2024 where the above two conditions have not been met will mean that the vehicle is being ridden/driven UNREGISTERED AND UNINSURED.
Please contact one of the Club Registrars if you are unsure of your situation.
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